1. Please go to www.explarabiz.com.
2. If you have an account already, click the Login button on the top right corner.
3. Enter the email Id and Password and click the Login Button.
4. If you have an Explara.com account already, use that one to login to ExplaraBiz.com
5. Once successfully logged in, you will be landing on the main page in which you will find couple of main menus in the left side panel.
6. Click on Apps & Integration menu. This is the main menu that has all the available Apps which can be activated based on the need of the user. One of the cards is Email Marketing.
- The email Marketing has a dependency on email gateway that helps deliver the emails. Hence before you proceed further, integrate one of the email gateways.
- ExplaraBiz supports many email gateways such as AWS SES, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Gmail etc.
- In order to integrate any one of the Email Gateways, pick one of the relevant Email gateway card from the list under Apps & Integration. In order to integrate one of the email gateway, please click on the Activate button in that card and proceed with the integration process. If you don't have AWS SES setup guide, please use the link to setup AWS SES https://www.explara.com/help/20/how-to-setup-amazon-simple-email-service?mid=1839.
7. You will see an Activate button on this card. Click the Activate button.
8. Once the Activate button is clicked, a panel comes up that explains about all the dependent apps and recommended app.
9. The panel also has a small Guide that explains how to setup Email Marketing for your account. Do read it.
10. If the Email Gateway is already integrated, Click on Activate button will activate Email marketing apps and attach it in your account. You will see the Email Marketing menu in the left side menu bar.