Auto-debit is a feature added on the Membership side provided Stripe is used as a payment gateway.
Once this is enabled, the system will do all the background setup to debit the card of your buyers when they make the payment for the first time.
Once this is enabled, you will find new menu added as part of Reports/Auto-Debit.
Under this, there will be two sub-menus, Processing and Processed. 48 hours before processing the transactions of the member, the records are displayed here, with an option for you to edit the price if you need. If you need to charge more or less than the amount shown, Edit the record and change the amount, save it anytime till the record is present on this page.

Once the record for auto-debit is about to be processed, an email goes to the member 48 hours before the auto-debit processing is initiated. The email is template based, This means, the Admin can make necessary changes to the content of the email being sent. This email also carries an Unsubscribe button that would let the Member unsubscribe to the Auto-debit that has been set against his/her card when the very first transaction was done. If the member decides to unsubscribe from the Auto-debit, the card will not be debited and the membership will move to Expired state. The unsubscribed record is moved to a table named Unsubscribed for reporting purpose.

Once the amount is processed, the record will move to Auto-debit/Processed menu.

Advantage:- The advantage of this feature is that you change the cost of the plans, still you have another 48 hours to change the amount of the Member whose card is going to get debited.